The Lebanese Domain Registry collect three types of information:
1. Documentation to prove the official status and official representation of the DOMAIN-BENEFICIARY such as commercial registry, commercial circular, organization license, education organization license, power of attorney, commercial representation, trademark certificate, trademark deposit, delegation instructions, etc.
2. Personal information that a requester voluntarily submits to us such as copy of ID card and contact data.
3. Technical domain name related information such as name servers details, subdomain and subnets details.
The Lebanese Domain Registry uses the collected Personal and Corporate Information for the purpose of domain name registration only. The Lebanese Domain Registry disseminates domain name information publicly via LDAP search engines only and solely for domain resolution technical endeavors.
If we intend to use your Personal Information beyond the purpose for which you give it to us, we will first provide you with the ability to opt-out of such use.
The Lebanese Domain Registry operates under the Lebanese legal framework and will release copies of documents in its possession based on a Lebanese court order or ruling.
Therefore, you provide us with your information at your own risk.
Ratified on: September 22, 1999 (to be effective immediately)
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am till 6:00 pm